Monday, October 12, 2009

Blog 8

So far, I only observed my “boss” (I’m her TA), who is now teaching the class I was taking two semesters ago. At that time, the course was taught by a professor with a lot of expertise in this particular area and many years of teaching experience. My professor is fairly young and joined the kinesiology crew a couple of years ago. Hence, I was curious about her teaching style and whether she might have incorporated anything new into her lecture that we didn’t have. I was pleasantly surprised to see her teach in a very interactive way and use her famous humor to lighten up the lecture. She also provided the students with information and a hands-on experience that was not part of the tedious strictly theory-based book. Interestingly, this part of the lecture provided me with some valuable information for my thesis.

Although I was observed by two peers, I only received feedback from one. Based on her notes, she was quite impressed with what she saw. However, I’m not sure what impressed her more, my teaching or the material I was teaching that day. After giving a quiz, I was instructing the students in how to use electromyography (EMG) to measure muscle activity. For someone who is not familiar with biomechanics, watching this kind of hands-on lecture can be pretty exciting. Anyway, her suggestion to put the quiz questions on a Power Point rather than reading them to the students may be a good idea. Although they can all hear me, not all students seem to comprehend orally presented questions equally well. Being able to see and read the questions may thus be helpful and raise the overall grade of the quizzes a bit.

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